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COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society

11.02.2021 23:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Edited by: Stefania Milan, Emiliano Treré and Silvia Masiero

Published in the Theory on Demand Series of the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam

The book features 75 authors writing in 5 languages in 282 pages that amplify the silenced voices of the first pandemic of the datafied society. It is a multilingual conversation that celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity but also de-centers dominant ways of being and knowing while contributing a decolonial approach to the narration of the COVID-19 crisis. It brings researchers, activists, practitioners, and communities on the ground into dialogue to offer critical reflections in near-real time and in an accessible language, from indigenous groups in New Zealand to impoverished families in Spain, from data activists in South Africa to gig workers in India, from feminicidios in Mexico to North/South stereotypes in Europe, from astronomers in Brazil to questions of infrastructure in Russia—and counting! The result is a heterogeneous, polycentric and pluriversal narration, which invites the reader to enact and experience the “Big data from the South(s)” approach as an interpretive lens to read the pandemic.

The book is proudly open access and available here in .pdf and .epub versions: - While supplies last, we are also distributing printed copies for free. Enjoy and spread!



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