European Communication Research
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Audiences and Reception studies

12.02.2021 00:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Review of Communication Research

Deadline: August 1, 2021

Review of Communication Research invites the submission of literature reviews and meta-analyses relevant to audience and reception studies. Possible areas and issues to be covered include, but are not limited to:

- Critical/cultural approaches to audience/reception studies

- Political economy and audiences

- Journalism and audiences

- Entertainment and audiences

- Ethics in audience research

- Social media and audiences

- Audience and reception research in the Global South

- Universal and cultural differences in reception

- Methodological questions in audience/reception studies

- Theoretical questions in audience/reception studies

The manuscript submission deadline is August 1, 2021.

Paper proposals, questions, and comments should be addressed to Melissa Tully ( cc to

Authors should submit their manuscripts through the RCR editorial management system:

Download a PDF of the Call for Papers:

Review of Communication Research (RCR, ) is an open-access academic journal that has become a reference for the publication of literature reviews for the field of Communication.

The articles we publish are highly cited. According to the SCOPUS SNIP indicator, RCR ranks in the top 2% journals in the Social Sciences, and #14/434 in Communication; Scopus SJR 2019: top 10%; Scopus CiteScore 2019: top 19%.



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