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Instagramming: Themes, topics and trends [Instagramming: Temas, Tópicos y Tendencias]

18.02.2021 08:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Daniela Jaramillo-Dent; Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú; Patricia De-Casas-Moreno; Carmen Baldallo-González.

In the last decade, Instagram has evolved from a mere repository of images to a widely recognized social network, becoming an important part of the new global digital cultures. The characteristics of this platform, its configurations, features and functionalities, have given rise to media and digital phenomena of great interest. In this sense, Instagram has redefined digital phenomena such as (self)representation, digital influence and online activism, through a constant adaptation to new generations and user needs. One of the keys to its success lies in the wide availability of communicative elements that encourage interaction and creativity, adapting pre-existing formats from other platforms. These characteristics, which cement a culture of user-generated content, also create a context in which problematic uses related to the possibilities of the platform for the manipulation of information or privacy, among others, are developed.

This work explores the singularities of this network, according to the way in which 21st century issues are constructed and disseminated. From an analysis of the trending topics on Instagram, the authors describe some of its social practices, whose implications go beyond the digital sphere. Because of the novelty of its subject matter, Instagramming. Themes, topics and trends is an emerging work of interest for students, academics and media professionals.

The book is in Spanish and is available here



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