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Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference

18.02.2021 09:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

July 6–9, 2021

Melbourne Australia 

Deadline: February 26, 2021

Hosted by the Media and Communications Program, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne

Abstract and panel proposal submission for the 2021 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference is now open! The Conference will take place from 6-9 July 2021 at the University of Melbourne, with the option for delegates to attend in person or virtually for those who are unable to travel.

This year’s conference, which begins with a one-day postgraduate pre-conference, will centre on the theme of ‘Community, Authority and Power’, focusing on the wide range of ways in which communication actors, industries, practices and technologies are implicated in how power is exercised, reproduced, resisted and transformed.

We welcome submissions for papers and panels on a wide range of topics in contemporary communication, digital media and cultural studies, as well as related areas such as journalism, political and historical studies, sociology and creative practice. Further information, including speaker details, is available on the ANZCA 2021 website, which will be updated regularly in the lead-up to the conference.

Information on the event can be found here.

To submit an abstract or panel proposal for the Conference, click here.

For abstract and panel submission information, click here.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 26 February 2021.

We look forward to your submission!

ANZCA Conference Team



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