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IAMCR pre-conference event: online speed-dating session (live) for postgraduates and PhD students working on media development

09.06.2021 21:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

July 9, 2021, 7am ET (1pm CEST)

Deadline: June 21, 2021

This year, as part of the IAMCR pre-conference events, the media sector development working group and MEDAS21 invite PhD students working on media development issues to an online “speed-dating session.” By offering emerging scholars the opportunity to present their research in a 3-minute-thesis format and get feedback from their peers and industry professionals, we hope to contribute to intensified exchange and networking and to develop practical coping mechanisms for any difficulties and pressures they face in their research.

How to apply: Applicants interested in networking with peers should submit a short description (1,000 characters max.) of their research project to

Deadline for submission: June 21st, 11:59pm CEST

Costs: This is a FREE event, open to anyone, no membership required


Within the relatively new working group focusing on efforts of shaping and developing media systems, early-career scholars sometimes feel isolated or feel that professional connections in the sector are difficult to establish. The aim of this session is to provide an opportunity for early-career scholars to build their networks. It is an opportunity for junior scholars from the “Global North“ and “South“ to meet with practitioners and senior researchers to voice their concerns and challenges such as (but not limited to) choosing a relevant topic, grants and funding issues, access to data and literature... An informal atmosphere will ensure equality, caring and respect.


What topics are under-researched in the field of media sector development today? What are the most pressing challenges for getting early-career researchers and professionals in the sector to work together? In a casual format similar to “speed dating”, post graduate and doctoral students will be able to propose their answers to these questions and convey them to their peers by presenting their research (project) to the audience in 3 minutes maximum. These contributions will finally be taken up and discussed in a debate with representatives of academic institutions and media development organisations. Those who cannot attend the discussion can contribute to the debate by sending a poster (in PDF format) presenting their project and its issues, to be published on a dedicated webpage.

Call for proposals

This call for proposals is open to emerging researchers, whether they are Master's degree holders considering a thesis, PhD candidates or junior PhDs who have graduated less than a year ago. As the media development sector is at the crossroads of several disciplines, applicants can come from any field (media studies, communication, political science, sociology, history...) but it must be somehow linked to what is called “media sector development” in the sense given on the working group page. Please note that the live event will be held in English but those who would like to present in another language are invited to submit a proposal and kindness is expected towards all those for whom English is not their first language.

For those interested in the live online event, please send a short description (1,000 characters maximum) of your research, its main issues and the challenges you face to You must include your name, gender, nationality, university of affiliation and the name(s) of your supervisor(s). You also agree to attend the online event and to have a sufficient internet connection to be able to log in. Participants will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the seminar.

For those interested in the poster presentation, please send directly your poster as a PDF (in English only) attached with the same specifications as above to It is advisable to publish your address on the poster so that you can be contacted directly.

Proposals will be selected on the basis of their quality, topicality and with the objective to ensure a variety of their backgrounds.

This session is part of the event series jointly organized by IAMCR media sector development working group and MEDAS21 as 2021 Nairobi pre-conference events. More information can be found at



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