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Media Anthropology: (digital) Communication Practices and Processes

09.06.2021 21:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

November 9-13, 2021

Online conference

Deadline: June 30, 2021

The term “media” occupies such a crucial space in our lives that human interactions are increasingly analysed from a “mediated” perspective. Media forms have been subjected to adulation and censorship simultaneously and are often spoken in terms of the power they have to shape ideas and practices. Anthropological thinking and methods have a vital role to play here, in highlighting the myriad ways in which contemporary worldviews are shaped by media and vice versa. The panel invites scholars from both media anthropology and media/communication studies perspectives to a discussion about theoretical and methodological exchanges between the fields in the broadest sense.

Possible contributions can include the following topics:

  • theoretical and methodological discussions of contemporary socio-cultural phenomena that benefit from anthropological approach on an epistemological and/or methodological level, analysis of the value of ethnographic intent for media/communication studies.
  • ethnography as a method for the study of digital communication and platforms; strategies, ethical and methodological challenges, methodologically oriented discussion about ethnography as practice in media/communication studies.
  • media ethnographies, including digital media - empirical explorations of living, experiencing, and performing the self online and in the media, uses and reinventions of (digital) media platforms, identity work and configurations of cultural subjectivities (audiences, publics, users and fans).
  • digital cultural socialities and online lives from emic perspective - practices, hierarchies, norms, discourses of digital platforms and communities.

The deadline for abstract submissions (400 words) is 30 June 2021.

You can submit your abstract here: and choose our panel/table in Group 3.

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals,

Florencia García-Rapp, Marie Hermanova and Haripriya Narasimhan



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