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Views from the Blue. A Glimpse into Drone Photography

09.06.2021 22:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dr Lauren O’Hagan and Dr Elisa Serafinelli would like to invite you to visit our digital exhibition ‘Views from the Blue’.

"Our exhibition collects 10 images from worldwide civil drone users. Their images are accompanied by a short written reflection exploring its content, which aims to encourage viewers to reflect on how drones are reshaping our geographical imaginations and understanding of the world. Our exhibition is then followed by a brief survey that aims to gather anonymised information that will help us to know more about your thoughts on drone visuals.

To visit our exhibition click here:

We would really appreciate it if you could share this invite with your list of contacts or whoever you think would be interested in this creative experience.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our exhibition is part of the AHRC funded research project Drones in Visual Culture, which is exploring the ways drones are contributing to change contemporary visual culture. More information about the project is available here:"



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