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Iconoclastic Controversies: A photographic inquiry into antagonistic nationalism

02.09.2021 22:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Nico Carpentier

ISBN 9781789384550

Paperback: 220 x 220 mm

166 pages

GBP 30.00

This book combines photography and written text to analyse the role of memorials and commemoration sites in the construction of antagonistic nationalism. Taking Cypriot memorializations as a case study, it shows how these memorials often support, but sometimes also undermine, the discursive-material assemblage of nationalism.


The Iconoclastic Controversies project is a research project with multiple aims and focal points. First, as a research project, Iconoclastic Controversies enquires into the relationship of memorials and commemoration sites with antagonistic nationalism. The second aim of Iconoclastic Controversies is to contribute to the more general discussions about the relationship between the discursive and the material, as theorized in an earlier publication, the Discursive-Material Knot (Carpentier, 2017). The third aim of the Iconoclastic Controversies project is to bring a more critical and interventionist approach to the analysis, by deconstructing and de-naturalizing the Greek Cypriot hegemonic antagonistic nationalist discourse, and the material support that is provided by the majority of the memorials and commemoration sites in the south of Cyprus. Finally, the Iconoclastic Controversies research project also aims to rethink the ways that academics communicate their research outcomes, moving away from an exclusive emphasis on the written text. Moreover, the research project demonstrates how academic communicational practices —written and non-written— are not outside knowledge production processes, and cannot be confined to a second, disconnected stage. In contrast, academic communicational practices can be seen to form an integrated part of knowledge production.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Iconoclastic Controversies

Chapter 2: Communicating Academic Knowledge beyond the Written Academic Text

Chapter 3: On Antagonism and Nationalism – A Discursive- Material Re- Reading

Chapter 4: The Discourses and Materialities of Cypriot Antagonistic Nationalism

Chapter 5: The Iconoclastic Controversies Photographs

Chapter 6: The Reception of the Two Cypriot Exhibitions (with Vaia Doudaki, Yiannis Christidis and Fatma Nazli Köksal)

Chapter 7: The Interviews

Nico Carpentier is Extraordinary Professor at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) and President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (2020-2023). He also holds a part-time position at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB - Free University of Brussels, Belgium), as Associate Professor. Moreover, he is a Research Fellow at Loughborough University. His previous monograph was The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation (2017, Peter Lang, New York). Recent (co-)edited volumes are: Cyprus and its Conflicts. Representations, Materialities, and Cultures (2018, co-edited), Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change (2018, co-edited), Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy (2019, edited), Communication and Discourse Theory (2019, co-edited) and Communication as the Intersection of the Old and the New (2019, co-edited). See



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