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3rd YECREA Journalism Studies Section PhD-Workshop

16.09.2021 21:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

March 2, 2022

Utrecht, Netherlands

Submission deadline for abstracts: November 7, 2021

The YECREA Journalism Studies Section invites doctoral students to submit their proposals for the 3rd PhD-Workshop hosted at the ECREA Journalism Studies Section Conference 2022 at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. This workshop aims to connect up-and-coming journalism researchers with experienced colleagues in the field.

The colloquium will take place on March 2, 2022, at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. The aim is to provide mentorship to doctoral student members of the Journalism Studies Section. Participants will get the opportunity to present their PhD projects and receive detailed feedback from scholars working on related topics.

We welcome all theoretical and empirical PhD projects focusing on journalism research. We also strongly support submissions from PhD candidates at the beginning or in the middle of their project as they benefit from feedback the most.

Interested PhD students should submit the following:

  • an abstract of 500 words outlining the 1) topic, 2) rationale, 3) theoretical approach, and 4), if applicable, empirical application,
  • a separate document with the name, affiliation, expected graduation date and supervisor,
  • a ranked list of five potential respondents (please try to choose scholars likely to attend a section conference in the European context).

Please send your submissions e-mail to Phoebe Maares ( no later than November 7, 2021. Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind review process, and we will send a notice of acceptance until December 2021. There will be no fee for the attendance of the workshop as Research Centre Quality Journalism in Digital Transition at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht kindly supports the workshop. To join the ECREA JSS Conference, participants will need to register and pay the conference fee separately.

Participants whose abstracts are successful in the blind review process will be asked to submit a full paper of up to 6000 words by February 2, 2022 (mandatory for participation). It will be sent to the selected respondents to provide them with a comprehensive picture of the project.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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