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Hate speech in Communication: Research and proposals

16.09.2021 21:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Deadline: September 30, 2021

We would like to announce that the scientific journal JCR-Scopus Q1 'Comunicar' is open for manuscript submission for the Calls for Papers 71, Hate speech in communication: Research and proposals' until 30 September. This issue is coordinated by Dr. Mª Dolores Cáceres-Zapatero (UCM, Spain), Dr. Mykola Makhortykh (University of Bern, Switzerland), and Dr. Francisco Segado-Boj (UCM, Spain), contributing to the study of hate speech from the analysis of messages, theirbackground and effects on media, as well as their regulation and action.

Hate speech is considered the conscious and wilful public expression of hostility and rejection towards individuals, groups or collectives, whether based on racial, ethnic, religious or national criteria, on the grounds of gender, sexual identity or orientation, or any other criteria, which promote intolerance, discrimination, stigmatization, violence, aggression or, in its most serious form, physical extermination. These discourses, traditionally reflected in the mass media and alternative circuits, currently, focus their dissemination channel through online media, digital communities and social media. Therefore, this call is open to research that helps to understand this phenomenon, both from a perspective focused on the analysis of the messages, and the background and repercussions of this type of discourse, as well as on prevention and intervention to minimise alleviate the impact of these messages.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Discriminatory and vexatious stereotyping.
  • Hate speech on social media and in semi-private communities.
  • Hate speech in the mass media.
  • Populism and politics.
  • Rhetorical and linguistic-discursive strategies of hate speech.
  • Bots and troll farms.
  • Legislation, self-regulation and discourse moderation.
  • Disinformation and hate speech.
  • Audiovisual dimension of hate speech in TikTok, Instagram, memes...
  • Prevention and containment of hate speech

Full CFP can be found at:

The full author guidelines can be read at:


Article submissions will be due on September 30th, 2021, with notifications of acceptance before January 2021. Issue editors: Mª Dolores Cáceres Zapatero (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain), Mykola Makhortykh (University of Bern, Switzerland) and Francisco Segado (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain).

The journal has achieved the best data of its history in the most prestigious world indexes Journal Citation Reports and Scopus. In JCR-JIF it is 7th in the world out of 234 journals in 'Education' (top 3% worldwide), increasing its IF from 3.37 to 6.01. In the area of 'Communication' in JCR-JIF/JCI the journal is ranked 9th in the world (top 10%) among 94 and 204 journals respectively.

The most significant news is that in both areas, 'Comunicar' holds the 1st absolute position in the world as an 'open access' journal, according to the guidelines of Horizon Europe of the European Commission. Similarly, on Scopus the journal has obtained the 2nd position in the world (out of 1,307 journals) in 'Cultural Studies', the 23rd (top 2%) in 'Education' out of 1,319 journals, and the 14th (top 4%) out of 429 journals.



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