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The disinformation society: The impact of fake news on the public sphere

10.11.2021 17:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Deadline: December 30, 2021

We are pleased to announce that the journal 'Comunicar' (JCR-Scopus Q1) specialized in media education, is currently receiving manuscripts for the Call for Papers n. 72 about, 'The disinformation society: The impact of fake news on the public sphere' until 30 December. This issue is coordinated by Dr. Guillermo López-García (University of Valencia), Dr. Gianpietro Mazzoleni (University of Milan), and Dr. Eva Campos-Domínguez (University of Valladolid), which contributes to the analysis of erroneous, biased or false messages in terms of misinformation, disinformation, fake news and news stories that have changed social communication.

We also remind you that the journal accepts manuscripts in each of its issues with miscellaneous topics related to the scope of the journal. We invite you to read carefully the guidelines for authors and to submit your study through



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