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VII International Congress on Communication and Gender

19.11.2021 09:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

April 7-8, 2022

University of Seville, Spain

Deadline: February 20, 2022

Welcome to the GENDERCOM (Gender & Communication) congress that will be held on 7 and 8 April 2022 in hybrid mode (online and in person), at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Seville. Paper proposals (abstracts) in English, Spanish and Italian can be submitted until 20 February 2022. The selected papers will be published in the Scientific Journal Ámbitos de la Comunicación and by the publishing houses Dykinson and Fragua.

GENDERCOM began its journey a decade ago (2012). Since then, every two years it proposes a debate on gender controversies in communication. The complexity of social networks has both increased phobias towards sexual diversity and has also promoted initiatives to claim other ways of understanding the heteronormative sexual identities within patriarchy.

In the 7th edition, in addition to issues such as discrimination due to gender or representations of sexual identities, we want to highlight the debate on new masculinities. Full equality will only be possible if we reconsider the shortcomings of the patriarchal construction of the male model to achieve more open, horizontal and communicative models from a plural understanding of masculinity. The thematic axes proposed for this edition are eight, including Studies and debates on new masculinities in communication and other scientific disciplines and Hate speech relating to gender identity.

For more information and to see all eight thematic axes, visit the congress website

To submit your paper proposal for the congress, visit 



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