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PhD position

17.12.2021 07:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

University of Salzburg

The University of Salzburg (Dept. of Communication Studies) is inviting applications from qualified candidates for a faculty position at the level of PhD student [Dissertant/in]. The department looks for candidates who could contribute to the ongoing research project Euromedia Ownership Monitor (EurOMo), which deals with media ownership transparency in Europe and is funded by the European Commission. The dissertation should preferably address the same topic, but also closely related areas such as media and internet policy/governance, media economics and structure, political communication, critical political economy of media and communication, media systems in Austria and Europe.

Additional information:

Start of employment: 1st March, 2022

Duration of employment: 4 years

Weekly hours: 30 (20 for faculty projects and teaching, as assigned by the head of the unit)

Job description: scientific support of research, teaching (from year 3) and administrative tasks; own research/PhD dissertation, cooperation with research proposals (conceptualisation, writing, and submission), support of planning and conducting conferences.

Supervision by Prof. Josef Trappel


  • Diploma or Master in communication studies or related social sciences
  • Fluency in English
  • Willingness to learn German within 2 years (fluency by the time of application is an asset)

Desired qualifications:

  • Previous experience in researching issues of media policy and economics
  • Knowledge of the relevant literature
  • Knowledge of the methods of communication science
  • Publications of scientific papers on these topics

Remuneration: € 2.228,60 (gross, 14× year)

Submission by email – including CV, letter of motivations and relevant documents – to with reference to GZ A 0133/1-2021, on or before 22 December 2021.

For information, please email Sergio Sparviero, at

Official announcement:



Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

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