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Media and the Dissemination of Fear: Pandemics, Wars and Political Intimidation

17.12.2021 07:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Edited by: Nelson Ribeiro and Christian Schwarzenegger

Part of the Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research.

Available here:

“This is an outstanding book which will be of interest to media historians and communications scholars around the world. It reveals how fear is incubated, spread and, sometimes, countered through the media in ways that are profoundly illuminating and relevant in the era of Covid.”

—James Curran, Professor of Communications, Goldsmiths, University of London

“This outstanding volume traces the impact of fear, uncertainty – and sometimes related – hope, historically, from World War I to the present and the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, media reporting is deconstructed in much systematic detail which allows understanding continuities and discontinuities of its complex role, locally, glocally, and globally. A must read for scholars and laypeople alike!”

—Ruth Wodak, Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Lancaster University

“Media and the Dissemination of Fear explores its workings across natural disasters, wars, conflicts and health crises over the past 100 years. Although circumstances may have changed, the exploitation of fear as a means of social control and intimidation has not, and this book speaks to the myriad ways in which its damaging currents destabilize individuals and communities, force widespread compliance and entrench enmity and otherness, particularly in association with populist regimes. A thoughtful, important volume that wrestles mightily with the centrality of fear in contemporary life writ large.”

—Barbie Zelizer, Raymond Williams Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania


Introduction: Media and Fear—Diachronic, Intermedia, and Transcultural Perspectives on a Toxic and Functional Relationship during Pandemics, Wars, and Political Crises

  • Nelson Ribeiro, Christian Schwarzenegger

From Black Death to COVID-19: The Mediated Dissemination of Fear in Pandemic Times

  • Anna Wagner, Doreen Reifegerste

Hebrew Popular Press, Catastrophe Stories, and the Instigation of Fear in Ottoman Palestine

  • Ouzi Elyada

Fear-Relations: Word War I, Military Authorities, and the International Feminist Peace Movement

  • Susanne Kinnebrock

Voices for a World In-Between? Exile Media as Transnational Fulcrums Between Confidence and Fear

  • Christian Schwarzenegger, Gabriele Falböck

Terror, Fear, Disbelief, and Complacency in the Face of Evil: The Reactions of the Hebrew Press in Palestine to the First News on the Extermination of the European Jewry by the Nazis in 1942

  • Gideon Kouts

The News Media and the Ever-Present Fear in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Thomas Birkner, Aysha Agbarya, Oren Meyers, Rachel Somerstein

Fear of the Spanish Red Danger: Anti-Communist Agitation and Mobilisation in Portugal during the Spanish Civil War

  • Alberto Pena-Rodríguez

Nazi Broadcasts to a Neutral Country: Disseminating Fear in Portugal during the Second World War

  • Nelson Ribeiro

Fear of Communism in the Twentieth-Century United States and the Vietnam War

  • Paul Haridakis

“Beware of Terrorists, Spies and Chaos!”: Stabilization Techniques from the Arab Uprisings

  • Hanan Badr

Educate Online Through Online Fear: Exploring the Chinese Rumours Online Phenomenon

  • Gianluigi Negro

Media Logic, Terrorism, and the Politics of Fear

  • David L. Altheide



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