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Data & Us: series of talks about data by international experts

06.01.2022 13:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

January 12, 2022

Along 2022, online conversations on the data in our lives will count with experts like Andrew Clement (University of Toronto, Canada), Natasha Dow Schull (New York University, USA), Tarteton Gillespie (Microsoft Research and Cornell University, USA), Chris Csikszentmihalyi (Cornell University, USA), Timnit Gebru (Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, USA), Ana Lauren Hoffman (University of Washington) or Michal Czerniawski (European Data Protection Council, EU), among others.

The first conversation, to take place on January 12th (6:30 pm), is in charge of Andra Siibak (University of Tartu, Estonia), on Datafied Infancy and the Normalization of 'Data Surveillance'.

Organized by ICNOVA and IADE, the online conversations start at 6:30 pm.

Registration is free and should be made using this form.



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