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10th WCSA Conference

06.01.2022 14:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The general call fo panels and presentations

April 20-22, 2022

Lisbon (Portugal) - online or hybrid

Deadline: January 31, 2022 (paper)/June 30, 2022 (full paper)/September 13, 2022 (panel)


As the current President of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA), which is a European-based policy-modeling think-tank headquartered in Bologna, I am delighted to launch the “2022 WCSA General Call for Papers and Panels” for our 10th Worldwide Conference in Lisbon. The conference will take place online or hybrid (TBA), from April 20th to 22nd, 2022. The conference is hereby titled:


for an Emerging Global Governance System


  • Rudy Aernoudt, European Commission and University of Ghent
  • Marcelo Amaral, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro
  • Nicoletta Bersier Ladavac, Thémis, Geneva
  • Adele Bianco, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
  • Richard M. Brandt, Director of Iacocca Institute & Lehigh University
  • Gerhard Chroust, Former IFSR General Secretary
  • Carlton Clark, The University of Wisconsin
  • György Csepeli, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
  • Michel De Kemmeter, Club of Brussels
  • Piero Dominici, University of Perugia and World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)
  • Edit Fabó, Hungarian Institute for Historical Research, Budapest
  • Emilia Ferone, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
  • Polona Filipic, University of Ljubljana
  • André Folloni, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba
  • Fabrizio Fornari, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
  • Roberta Iannone, University La Sapienza, Rome
  • Garry Jacobs, President of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) & Global Leadership Director at the United Nations Office in Geneva
  • Farooq A. Kperogi, The Kennesaw State University
  • Louis Klein, European School of Governance (EUSG), Berlin
  • Laura Leonardi, University of Firenze
  • Sergio Marotta, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples
  • Vincenzo Omaggio, Suor Orsola University, Naples
  • Riccardo Palumbo, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
  • Angela Perulli, University of Firenze
  • Sara Petroccia, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
  • Massimiliano Ruzzeddu, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome
  • Alfredo L. Spilzinger, President of SFAI, Buenos Aires
  • Liborio Stuppia, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
  • Ellen Taricani, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Marco A. C. Villatore, Federal Universities of Paraná & Santa Catarina, Curitiba & Florianópolis
  • Cassandra L. Williamson, The Arizona University


  • Giovana Camila Portolese, Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil, Curitiba, Executive Chair
  • Natália Brasil Dib, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Member
  • Emilia Ferone, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Member
  • Sara Petroccia, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Member
  • Antonio Russo, University Federico II, Naples, Member
  • Luigi Somma, University of Perugia, Member
  • Paula Stemberg, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Member
  • Vera Kopsaj, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Member
  • Romina Gurashi, University La Sapienza, Rome
  • Ilaria Iannuzzi, University La Sapienza, Rome
  • Melissa Sessa, University La Sapienza, Rome


We are living in an Übergangszeit in which new and old, simple and complex, global and local co-evolve side by side. It is a strange time in which threats and opportunities often look like Siamese twins for example in economy and ecology, in energy and environmental policies, in autonomy and dependence. New ways of strategic-conceptual problem setting and solving are needed, especially about ways of joining forces between scholars, researchers, business, and the public in order to generate new smart alliances for the next emergence and regenerative paradigm for sustainability and thrivability.

Research-based education becomes strategic for smart global governance valuing every kind of multiple intelligence. An intelligent approach to the complexity of any relevant difference impacting globally on business, technology, science, law, administration, politics, development, artificial intelligence, smart cities, climate change and sustainability, intellectual capital, intangible wealth creation, and more requires a complex system mindset and a smart, ironic vision to get oddities and anomalies which often are first signals of emergency phenomena not yet understood. These emergent anomalies and oddities are often too shapeless to be observed and considered by masses, crowds, and everyday common sense of the boring world taken for granted. Nevertheless, these emergent oddities and anomalies often play a key and invisible role in wealth creation by redesigning its intangible asset portfolio which outputs can be incredibly sexy for the entire mankind.

WCSA is a think-and-do-tank, which believes that a complexity educational-based approach to the global governance enables the observation and modeling of emergent anomalies and oddities, translating them into potential sexy trends. Through its research and educational agendas along with its publishing, divulgation, and in partnership activities, WCSA has already narrowed down some of these potential sexy trends just like, but not only:

– The Great Escape from the Caves

– Hypercitizenship

– Hypercities, smart cities and territorial systemic development

– Global citizenship and migration

– Power, politics and the emerging new world order

– The Legislation- Development-Demography-Technology (LEDDET) Cycle

– Developing a sextuple helix: public-companies-citizens-politics-media-university

– Ethical boundaries of Artificial Intelligence autonomy

– A transgenerational justice approach to sustainable development: filling the gap between present and future generations

– Climate change and sustainability

– Communication, deliberation and digital platforms: A democratic roadmap to the future

– Digital media education and Public Administration reform

– The great systemic emergence: Developing educational tools to address complex phenomena

– Value creation in an intangible wealth age

Beyond these sexy trends, the 10th WCSA Conference is open to any other contribution proposal on the intelligent global governance of complex phenomena, both on its macro processes and systems, and research-based complexity.


  • Alexander Laszlo, President of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, Vienna, & Director of Research at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, WCSA Presidential Delegate
  • Enrique Caceres-Nieto, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, WCSA Medalist for Systemic Research (3rd edition)Lucio d’Alessandro, Rector of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa, NaplesPaolo de Nardis, University La Sapienza, Rome, WCSA Medalist (4th edition)Abram de Swaan, Distinguished Professor, University of Amsterdam, WCSA Medalist (4th edition)Klaus Krippendorff, University of Pennsylvania, WCSA Medalist (2nd edition)Ervin Laszlo, Club of Budapest, WCSA Medalist (1st edition)
  • Loet Leydesdorff, University of Amsterdam
  • Felix Ortega, University of Salamanca
  • Alexander Riegler, Free University of Brussels
  • Dario Rodriguez Mansilla, Diego Portales University, Santiago
  • Christopher Thornhill, University of Manchester, WCSA Medalist (5th edition)


By September 13th, 2021, Panel Proposal submissions will be accepted.

The submission of the full panel proposal is in the care of the panel proponent. The panel proponent will be responsible for sending invitations to the authors (presenters), accepting all panel abstracts submitted to the panel, and facilitating the registration of presenters at the Conference.

Panel and paper proposals for any session must be submitted in English.

Panels require a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of seven (7) accepted papers to be accepted in the Conference Program. Larger or smaller panels are subject to special consideration and approval.

Panel proponents may appoint a panel chair. The panel proponent may act as a chair, co-chair or paper author in the panel.

Each panel will last approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours.

A Panel Proposal should include:

-Title of the panel

-Short Abstract/description of the panel: 500 words in length.

-Proponent: Name, affiliation, e-mail address, and WhatsApp number, profile picture and short bio (maximum of 5 lines, format Times New Roman 12)

-Indication of one (1) chair: Name, affiliation, e-mail address, and WhatsApp number

-List of five to seven (5-7) speakers: Name, affiliation, email address, and WhatsA number

-Paper abstracts: title and abstract (minimum of 200, maximum of 400 words length)

-Please do not include references in the abstracts

Any Panel Proposal should be submitted by email to the 10th WCSA Conference Organizing Committee ( as a document (.doc or .docx extension) named after the title of the panel. In the email subject line, please specify 10th WCSA Conference: Panel Submission.

Panel Proposals will be peer-reviewed before acceptance.

By September 27th, 2021, notifications of acceptance/rejection of the Panel Proposal and instructions on how to become a WCSA member and to register in the Conference will be electronically communicated via email to the panel proponent. Panel proponents are responsible for notifying the results and the instructions to all members of their panels.

Please note that panel proponents and paper proponents (authors) do not need to be a WCSA member to submit a panel or a paper/presentation proposal, However, all proponents must become a WCSA member to register in the Conference. Proponents that are already WCSA members must be in the rule with their dues for registering in the Conference.

By October 18th, 2021, panel proponents whose Panel Proposal were accepted must confirm their participation in the Conference. For the confirmation purpose, panel proponents must ensure the completion of the registration in the Conference and the payment of the combined Membership and Conference fee both for themselves and their panel members. Please note that accepted panel proposals will only be included in the Conference Official Program after the completion of the registration and payment processes. Panel proponents Conference fee may be waived only in the case where all panel members register in the Conference and pay their dues by October 18th, 2021.


By January 31st, 2022, single PAPER PROPOSAL submissions will be accepted. Single Paper Proposals may be accommodated in a specific panel or in a general Conference session. The updated list of specific panels is available on the Conference Page.

Paper proposals must be submitted in English. Each paper presentation will last approximately 15 minutes.

A Paper Proposal should include:

-Name, affiliation, e-mail address and WhatsApp number

-Title of the paper

-Paper abstract: minimum of 200, maximum of 400 words length

-Please do not include references in the abstracts

Any Paper Proposal shall be submitted by email to the 10th WCSA Worldwide Conference Organizing Committee ( as a document (.doc or .docx extension) named after the title of the paper. In the email subject line, please specify 10th WCSA Conference: Single Paper Submission.

Paper proponents (authors) do not need to be a WCSA member to submit a paper proposal. However, all proponents must become a WCSA member to register in the Conference. Proponents that are already WCSA members must be in the rule with their dues for registering in the Conference.

Paper Proposals will be peer-reviewed before acceptance. Please note that the acceptance of a single paper proposal in a specific panel is at the discretion of the panel proponent while the acceptance in a general Conference session is at the discretion of the WCSA scientific board.

By February 10th, 2022By February 10th, 2022, notifications of acceptance/rejection of the Paper Proposal and instructions on how to become a WCSA member and to register in the Conference will be electronically communicated via email to the proponent.

By February 28th, 2022, authors whose paper proposal were accepted must complete their registration process and pay the combined Membership and Conference fee. Please note that accepted papers will only be included in the Conference Official Program after the completion of the registration and payment processes.


Please note that all senior fees include a €100 membership fee, and all junior fees include a €50 membership fee.

In presence Conference

-Senior scholar/professional fee: €330

-Junior scholar/professional (under the age of 30) fee: €200

Virtual Conference on Zoom Platform

-Senior scholar/professional fee: €200

-Junior scholar/professional (under the age of 30) fee: €105

Attendance at the Conference as audience

In presence Conference

-one-day attendance fee: €50

-three-day attendance fee: €110

Virtual Conference on Zoom Platform

-one-day attendance fee: €25

-three-day attendance fee: €60


By June 30st, 2022, please submit your FULL PAPER, should you wish to have your presentation to be included in the proceedings of the 10th Conference.

Please note that all full papers submitted in the framework of a WCSA Conference are subject to a double-blind peer-review process before publication.

Submissions rules will be announced in due time.


This is our 10th Worldwide Conference. The previous nine conferences have generated several noteworthy proceedings:

1st Conference, BOLOGNA:

-The Next Global Scenarios

2nd Conference, PALERMO:

-Nuova Atlantide

3rd Conference, VIENNA:

-Mapping Systemic Knowledge

4th Conference, TENERIFE:

-Redesigning Worldwide Connections

5th Conference, BUDAPEST:

-Inventing the Future in an Age of Contingency

6th Conference, AMSTERDAM:

-Systemic Actions in Complex Scenarios

7th Conference, RIO DE JANEIRO:

-Governing Turbulence, Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age

8th Conference, ROME:

-RTSA v. 66, issue 3, 2019

-CEPSR v. 20, issue 76, 2019

-Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Conference book 2020

9th Conference, ISCHIA (switched into virtual due to COVID-19 Emergency)

-Cambio Journal, v.10, issue 19, 2020 (special session)

-RTSA, v. 68, issue 4, 2021



The 10th WCSA Conference will be also the venue for the presentation of the sixth edition of the WCSA Medal Awards for Systemic Research, “the 2022 WCSA Medal”. The Committee for the 2022 WCSA Medal is composed of:

-Alfredo Spilzinger, Lord of Brownsel, President of SFAI, President

-André Folloni, Law Faculty Dean at PUCPR, Member

-Emilia Ferone, WCSA Deputy President, Member and Secretary

The 2022 WCSA Medal is structured into two award categories:

-The Best Lisbon Conference Presentations (Senior and Junior) Award

-The Distinguished and Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award

For more information about the 2022 WCSA Medal, please check on our conference page.

Hoping to see you at our next conference in LISBON, I remain sincerely yours,

Prof. Andrea Pitasi, Ph.D.

WCSA Honorary Life President

University Gabriele d’Annunzio



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