European Communication Research
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ECREA announces cooperation with leading journals

28.01.2022 09:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

European Journal of Communication and European Journal of Cultural Studies on board for organisation of ECC 2022 in Aarhus

We all hope that ECREA 2022 in Aarhus will be remembered as a way back into the good old academic habitus, including flesh and blood colleagues, face-to-face discussions and coffee made by somebody else than yourself. In one word, we envision the next ECREA conference as a comeback of the old. Despite this, it will bring some new, invigorating events as well. ECREA´s presentation of commencement of our collaboration with leading European media and communication journals - European Journal of Communication (EJC) and European Journal of Cultural Studies (EJCS) - will be one of them. We are happy to announce that EJC will provide the travel grant to one young scholar on the grounds of the quality of the submitted abstract. In addition to this, EJCS and ECREA will introduce entirely new Best Paper Award for young scholars which will be handed over to the award winner at the conference. The EJC´s editor Peter Golding and EJCS´s editor Joke Hermes will sit on the two committees responsible for selection of the two ECREA shooting stars together with other four ECREA Board members. Grant and award holders will be invited to submit their papers to the journals (no prior guarantees of publication).

The calls for applications for EJC travel grant and EJCS Best Paper Award will be launched shortly after notifications of acceptance will be distributed on 26 April 2022.

Irena Reifová

ECREA Vice-President



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