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Research-based development of communities and communication

28.01.2022 11:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Prologi (Special Issue)

Deadline: February 10, 2022

Many societal challenges, such as increasing inequality, social marginalization and exclusion, threatened well-being in worklife, preventing pandemia, and climate change, are embedded in communities and social interaction within them. When finding solutions to these wicked problems, it is crucial to ask how actions taken as well as communication and interactions could be enhanced and how to achieve effective and sustainable outcomes. Research-based knowledge and evidence-based practices, policies and decision making have become even more important in societal decision making, developing communities, creating new practices and procedures as well as delivering interventions. Thus, the importance of research-based knowledge is inevitable.

The meaning and usage of research-based knowledge and evidence-based in developing communities, communication and interactions are at the core of this special issue in Prologi. We encourage proposals aligned with Finnish society but we warmly welcome international perspectives on the topic.

The proposals may focus on development of groups, communities and organizations approached for instance from the perspectives of interpersonal relationships and leadership. Research-based development can be considered from the persuasion and argumentation, political communication and decision making point of view. Utilizing research findings may be examined also in the context of intercultural communication and technology-mediated communication. Furthermore, the proposal may consider research-based development of communication education and training.

The proposals may concentrate on the development of communication, interaction and communities from the following view points (but not limited to):

Utilizing survey results and evidence-based knowledge in developing communication and interaction in communities

  • Engaged research and co-research focusing on the communication in real life practices
  • Action research focusing on evidence and usage of research-based knowledge
  • Measuring, evaluating and assessing impact of communication in change processes
  • Collaboration and co-development with practitioners and experts by experience
  • Developing, evaluating and disseminating interventions
  • Strenghtening knowledge translation
  • Research-based development of training, teaching, consulting and services aa well as decision making
  • Communicating research findings (to different audiences)

Beside peer-reviewed articles, also shorter texts, book reviews, and interesting presentations, such as lectio praecursoria, may be published in the special issue.

PhD Leena Mikkola and PhD Sanna Herkama will serve as guest editors in this special issue. Please, send your abstract (300 - 400 words) to the special issue by 10th of February 2022 to Leena Mikkola via email (leena.mikkola [at] It is possible to publish in Finnish, Swedish or English in the special issue. You may also send a proposal to publish a shorter text or book review. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15th of February.

Full manuscripts (6000 words) will be sent by 30th of April 2022 via Open Journal Systems (Please, register here

All the scientific articles published in the special issue will be peer-reviewed (see for more (linkki Prologin ohjeisiin). Other text types should be submitted to OJS-system by 15th of August 2022. More information: Leena Mikkola (leena.mikkola [at] and Sanna Herkama (sanna.herkama [at] &

Prologi – Journal of Communication and Social Interaction is a scholarly journal of The Finnish Association of Communication and Social Interaction Prologos. The journal presents the latest research on communication and social interaction. Manuscripts can be submitted for publication in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Until 2020, Prologi was published as an annual yearbook. Today, the journal aims to publish at least two issues per year. The call for papers is ongoing.



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