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ECC 2022 Special Panel: Task Force on Practices of Academic Publishing in Communication

03.02.2022 20:10 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

October 19-22, 2022

Aarhus (Denmark)

Deadline: March 31, 2022

Dear colleagues,

the ECREA Task Force on Practices of Academic Publishing in Communication is organizing a Special Panel during the ECREA Conference taking place in Aarhus (Denmark), 19-22 October 2022.

We are looking for paper abstracts (up to 150 words) analysing the situation in academic publishing, monitoring developments, engaging in debate on publishing ethics and standards in the field. The focus of the paper can be both national (national specifics, interesting cases) and comparative (international trends, comparisons of measures across countries etc.).

(Please, find the more detailed rationale for the Task Force here:↨0Force%20on%20Practices%20of%20Academic%20Publishing%20in%20Communication.pdf)

Suggested topic (not limited to these – feel free to suggest your own topics):

  • open access publishing – challenges, practice
  • "grey zone" or borderline publishing practices/platforms
  • co-authorship and its rules (including papers co-authored by supervisors etc.)

Panel chairs: Lenka Vochocová and Burcu Summer – please send your abstracts to both e-mails listed below:

Lenka Vochocová –

Burcu Sümer –



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1180 Uccle

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