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Fully funded PhD position: Research Training Group "Digital Platform Ecosystems

10.02.2022 10:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

University of Passau

The University of Passau (Bavaria/Germany) invites applications for fully-funded Ph.D. and postdoc positions in its new interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group “Digital Platform Ecosystems” (DPE). The Research Training Group DPE (see for more information) is a graduate excellence program generously granted by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Research Training Group DPE forms a unique, vibrant interdisciplinary research community of leading research partners from the disciplines of information systems, management and organizational research, marketing, economics, as well as communication science.

 We are explicitly looking for students with a background in communication studies. I will be responsible for one area - this will include examining media discourses on the regulation of platforms online and offline, as well as studying the role of experts and scientific evidence in regulatory debates.

Positions are available for three years, starting in October 2022. Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers receive highly personalized mentoring and a tailored, interdisciplinary, and generously funded training program, including a three-months research stay abroad. Post-doctoral researchers receive advanced training and take on leadership responsibilities in the Research Training Group. The University of Passau ( has an outstanding international reputation in research and teaching, a strong focus on digitalization and digital technologies. Its award-winning campus is located in one of the most beautiful historic towns in Europe.

Interested students are welcome to contact me at any time with questions: Hannah.Schmid-Petri@Uni-Passau.De



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