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Future Governance Models of the European Universities

24.03.2022 18:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

IJFMA Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022)

Deadline: April 3, 2022

Editor: Manuel José Damásio

One of the main goals of the European Universities Initiative is to establish transnational alliances of higher education institutions from across the EU that share a long-term strategy focussed on sustainability, excellence, inclusiveness, mobility and European values. One of the main challenges to be addressed by these alliances concerns the definition of governance and management structures, not only during the pilot period but also in the long run. Although a variety of models have already been implemented inside the existing alliances, several issues remain to be clarified, specially outside the alliances and related with their legal statute in the European arena for education and research transformation.

To discuss these issues and further deepen the reflection around the European Universities Initiative, the FilmEU alliance is organising a conference entitled “Future Governance models of the European Universities” that will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 5th of May 2022.

Abstract Submission: 3rd April 2022

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