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Communicating in Education and Educating in Communication

09.06.2022 22:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

September 26-29, 2022


Deadline: June 14, 2022

The Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG), invites you to attend its 3rd International Conference on Education (EDU2022) ‘Communicating in Education and Educating in Communication’

that will take place 26-29 September 2022, in remote mode

Click here for the call for participation

Supported by:

Beijing Normal University, China , Zhejiang University, ChinaJournal of Education, Innovation and Communication (JEICOM) , Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT)

After the organization of ten (10) successful international conferences (see previous conferences), the 3rd International Conference on Education (EDU2022) provides an opportunity for academics, professionals, and industry experts from various fields, with cross-disciplinary interests, to discuss the future directives and innovations in Education.

Our world today stands at a turning point. ‘Gaping inequalities, a damaged planet, growing polarization and the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic put us before a generational choice: Continue on an unsustainable path or radically change course’ (Unesco, 2022). This conference is a step to share knowledge, adapt to what is happening and continue on a sustainable path for a better future. This year’s conference, entitled ‘Communicating in Education and Educating in Communication’ favorise themes that promote communication, equality, empathy, exchange, knowledge sharing and propose solutions to the actual strange situation of this world.

During the conference we propose a workshop facilitated by well known academics around the world, entitled Qualities we should aspire as academics, facilitated across two days. Please click here for the tentative program.

The conference will take place remotely, 4 (four) days in connection with the ICCM2022 conference (2 + 2 days), as we believe that educators in education has a great connection with educators in communication, leadership, management, etc.

Conference topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Education skills and learning in the Pandemic Era (related to innovation, virtual and augmented reality, education technology, online education, computer education, digital communication, Inequality in education). Arts Education and Communication (arts education permits academics and students to explore and express ideas through the art disciplines of performing and visual arts- music, dance, drama, architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, Film- and communicate better). Longevity and education (intergenerational relationships, technology, and longevity). And categories as follow: education and communication, bilingual education, identity and education, educational psychology, teaching approaches, teacher and student, education strategy, teacher education, educational foundations, special education, teaching methodology, art education/art therapy, early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education, higher education, multicultural education, science education, educational psychology, educational foundations, health education, career and technical education, adult education, business education, education leadership, ethical issues in education, diversity and equality in education, cross-disciplinary areas of education, and life-long learning education.

Participants can propose either a traditional paper presentation or an alternative presentation format, such as a poster. Please find here all the different formats you can propose.

For research paper presentations, please submit your abstract by email to , in .doc file using our Abstract_template. Decisions are reached within two weeks from the abstract submission. The deadline to register and to submit full papers will be specified on your acceptance letter.

Abstact submissions deadline: Tuesday 14 June 2022

In case you would like to participate without presenting a paper, please send an email to Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, President, Communication Institute of Greece & Adjunct Professor, Hellenic Open University, at

Here is the provisional conference program

Conference scientific committee

*Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, President and Founder, COMinG.

*Dr. Chen Wang, Vice Dean /Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

*Dr. Kan Yue, Vice Dean & Professor, Zhejiang University, China.

*Dr. Fotini Diamantidaki, Vice President of Research and Academic Affairs, COMinG & Associate Professor in Education, UCL Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

*Dr. Jurgen Rudolph, Vice President of international research development and relations, COMinG & Head of Research & Academic Partner Liaison, Kaplan Higher Education, Singapore & Editor, JALT Journal, Singapore.

*Dr. Bill Baker, Program Director Postgraduate Courses & Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Tasmania, Australia.

*Mr. Louis-Caleb Remanda, PhD Candidate, LAREQUOI Research Center of Management, University of Versailles – Paris Saclay, France

*Pr. Sophie Karanicolas, Vice President of Learning Innovations and International Relations, COMinG & Hon. Associate Professor, University of Adelaide, Australia.

*Dr. Robert J. Bonk, Vice President for Written Communication and Convenor of COMinG Special Interest Writing Groups & Emeritus Professor of Professional Writing, School of Human Service Professions, Widener University, Chester, USA.

*Ailson J. De Moraes, Vice President of Business and Public Affairs, COMinG & Senior Lecturer, Royal Holloway School of Management, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK.

*Dr. Elpida Sklika, Teaching Fellow, University of Strasbourg, France.

*Dr. Lydia Lymperis, School of Education, Newcastle University, UK.

*Dr. Matt Glowatz, Assistant Professor, University College Dublin, Ireland.

*Dr. Nikleia Eteokleous, Assistant Professor in Educational Technology, School of Education and Social Sciences & Head of the Distance Learning Committee Coordinator of M.Ed. in Curriculum Development and Instruction, Co-founder Robotics Academy, Cyprus.

Publication Possibilities:

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings online with ISBN (abstract book of the conference proceedings).

Selected papers, after the peer review process, will have the possibility to be published in one of the following journals:

*Journal of Education, Innovation and Communication (JEICOM)

*Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT)

*Cambridge Scholars

*Strategy and Development Review


To register, pleace click here

Our Ambassadors and participants of our workshops (see ) will have a 50% discount (100 euros) to the conference fee, as we aim for interaction and knowledge sharing.

The Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) was established in 2003 in France. Based in Greece since 2013, it is an independent academic association that has for mission to become a forum, where academics, researchers, professionals, and friends – from all over the world – can meet in Greece to exchange ideas on their research and to discuss future developments in their disciplines.

You are more than welcome to become a member and contribute to the Institute’s objectives. If you would like to become a member, please download the relevant form (membership form).

For any information/proposal etc., please send us an email to



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