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Doctoral Prize Fellowships

28.07.2022 20:10 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Loughborough University

Loughborough University is inviting applications for Doctoral Prize Fellowships. The scheme is open to applicants from any discipline represented at Loughborough, including Communication and Media Studies. The deadline is 1 September 2022.

These prestigious, highly competitive 2-year Research Fellowships offer a rare opportunity for outstanding postdoctoral scholars to establish their own ambitious research agenda, develop their skills as independent researchers, and position themselves as future research leaders.

We value the contribution that postdoctoral researchers make to our research community and will provide a package of support, including a Loughborough University academic mentor, dedicated training, and specialist Fellowship advice. During the Fellowship, you will be expected to submit an application for an externally funded Research Fellowship to set you on a trajectory to accelerate your research career.

Your PhD (or other doctoral qualification) must have been awarded between 1 September 2019 and 1 September 2022. This means any corrections following your viva examination must have been completed to the examiners’ satisfaction by the closing date for applications.

We value diversity and are committed to creating a positive, inclusive community. We particularly wish to encourage applications from people from BAME communities, women, those with a disability and other under-represented groups. Applications from those who may wish to work part-time are welcome.

For further details please see:

For informal inquiries about this opportunity in Communication & Media please contact Professor Sabina Mihelj, Direction or Research & Impact (



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