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Tenure-track position (open rank)

08.09.2022 12:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Bar-Ilan University

The School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University (Israel) invites applications for a tenure-track position (open rank) beginning in Spring (March) 2023 or Fall (September) 2023. We are seeking to enhance the quality and enrich the academic and cultural diversity of our faculty.


Ph.D. in Communication or related field at time of employment with a focus on communication, excellence in research including publication in leading peer-refereed journals in the field of communication (preferably digital communication), teaching experience at institutions of higher education.

Applicants are requested to submit these documents (PDF):

·         Cover letter (one page) and description of current and future research plans (three pages)

·         Detailed curriculum vitae (according to this template)

·         Two or three published articles (digital copies)

·         Teaching evaluations of the past three years (when possible)

·         Two examples of suggested courses for the undergraduate level (B.A.) with syllabi

·         Three letters of recommendation to be sent directly by the writers to the email address below

Applications should be emailed by October 28th, 2022 to Prof. Chaim Noy, Search Committee Chair, School of Communication, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel 5290002, at: chaim.noy at 



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