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Convergências Journal

22.09.2022 22:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Convergências (ISSN 2764-8435) has an open call for its issue in continuous flow. Master’s degree students, masters, doctoral students and doctors can submit articles. Undergraduate or specialization students, graduates and specialists can submit articles accompanied by an advisor professor who has a doctorate degree. For submissions, visit: 

In addition to the continuous flow issue, Convergências publishes editions based on thematic dossiers related to its editorial proposal. The articles sent for publication in this category must be in line with the proposal suggested by the guest editors of the dossier and undergo the evaluation defined by our editorial policies. Dossiers can be proposed by researchers with a PhD and by PhD candidates in collaboration with PhDs, with a maximum of three people per dossier. To propose a dossier, fill in the form:

Convergências is an annual online publication focused on the academic field of Communication studies linked to the Adventist University of Sao Paulo (UNASP). Our editorial proposal welcomes contributions that address the communicational field and its relations with other social fields, such as religion, health, arts, politics, culture and the economy. Works that present empirical analysis, theoretical and methodological discussions are appreciated. The journal aims to contribute with the consolidation of research in Communications while dialoguing across the Humanities. The target audience is made up of students and professors from Brazil and abroad. Convergências does not charge submission or publication fees and offers its content for free, receiving scientific articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French in a continuous flow.

For more information, contact the journal's assistant editor, Thamires Mattos:



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