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Television and Video: Reconfigurations of Audiovisual Communication

27.10.2022 20:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Vista, n. 11

Deadline: November 1, 2022

Thematic editors: Luís Miguel Loureiro (University of Minho, Portugal) and Juan Francisco Gutierrez Lozano (University of Málaga, Spain)

Television, considered one of the great inventions of the 20th century in the media sphere, has been an imposing medium for producing entertainment content, fiction narratives and information, and journalistic activity. Representing an industry much more expressive in economic terms than the press or the radio, the "small screen", as it has been identified compared to cinema, has played a decisive role in confirming a society marked by visual communication. After photography, cinema and all forms of graphic image production that have experienced impressive development in the last 100 years, television has had — or still has today — an important role in the construction of imaginaries and the expansion of audiovisual communication processes.

Notwithstanding its historical relevance in the communicational and media landscape, around which television studies were founded and consolidated, television coexists today with other video production and distribution mechanisms. Although it is widely diffused and its access is practically universal, drawing images of everyday life, the "magic box" shares the audience with other audiovisual platforms. Video is also on different screens in an increasingly hybrid and versatile language, whether professional or amateur.

In this thematic section of Vista, we propose a reflection on the place of television and video in a time that, despite increasingly questioning the social centrality of television, has confirmed the image as the dominant medium of communication. Therefore, for this thematic section, we invite scholars to submit (full-length in text format) articles, book reviews, interviews and visual projects that address the cultural role of television and video in constructing visual portrayals of reality. Special attention will be given to proposals focusing on the following themes:

  • television, visual culture and imagery;
  • "sequence" and " flow": television and cultural studies;
  • the political dimension of television as a mechanism of discourse production;
  • the social and cultural role of television;
  • television and regimes of visibility;
  • the informational and communicative potential of the television image;
  • television, video and media arts;
  • the visual representations of television and video and cultural pluralism;
  • new television formats and audiovisual aesthetics;
  • television, video and visual narratives;
  • the relation of young people with television and video production;
  • the relation of television image with social networks;
  • the television image and the ethical debate on the production of visual representations;
  • the hybridization of the visual language of television and video;
  • the television documentary and the web documentary: intersections and cutting lines;
  • the platformization of television;
  • audiovisual creativity and fiction production;
  • the current challenges of television studies.


Proposals submission (full manuscript): September 1 to November 1, 2022

Publication: continuous edition (January-June, 2023)

Vista is an open-access academic journal following the demanding peer-review standards based on a double-blind review process.



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