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Fashion, Media and Sustainability

08.11.2022 17:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

International Journal Film and Media Arts , Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)

Deadline: May 10, 2023

Guest Editors:

  • Niinimaki Kirsi (Aalto University)
  • Alexandra Cruchinho (Lusófona University)
  • José Carlos Neves (Lusófona University)

The International Journal of Film and Media Arts welcomes a selection of high-quality papers for an edition dedicated to FL_Fashion Sustainability – International Conference, held by Lusófona University (Lisbon, Portugal), from 3rd to 5th November 2022. This issue is aligned with the FL_Conference edition, in which the theme was - Fashion, Media and Sustainability.

This call, however, accepts proposals for papers from outside the conference.

It is increasingly important to discuss Sustainability in all its variants, at the economic, environmental, and social levels, especially when the focus is on areas such as fashion, whose industry is one of the most responsible for the environmental damage that has been observed, increasingly, over recent times.

If, on one hand, the theme of sustainability refers us to the environmental aspect, it is emergent to discuss this theme under a social perspective where minorities are involved in important processes for the communities, where knowledge and values are valued and citizens, who, at the beginning, could be kept in a much more discrete life in the environment that surrounds them, are inserted in the active life. Papers in which the sustainability approach can be widened, e.g. through lowering the environmental impacts through new design approaches, new kind of aesthetic understanding and even including critical discussions and experimentations are welcome.

Economic sustainability is crucial to the success of business, brands, industry, small and medium-sized enterprises and is also an important area to keep in focus in the discussion. A new kind of economic understanding, new business models and even the aspect of degrowth in the fashion context could be one important track in sustainability knowledge.

This issue of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts invites fashion designers, film-makers, fashion teachers, artists and researchers to submit papers that deal with but are not limited to the topics of:

- Fashion Sustainability;

- Fashion Trends Communication;

- Fashion and Audiovisual for Sustainability;

- Tradition and Identity;

- Education for Sustainability.


Full Papers are to be submitted by 10th May 2023.

Please submit to:  or

Schedule for publication:

Submission of full paper: 10th May 2023

Feedback on full papers: 8th September 2023

Final revisions: 30th January 2024

Publication date: May 2024

More information is available at



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