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Education Data Futures – new publication from the Digital Futures Commission

14.12.2022 22:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dear all, 

On 21 November, the Digital Futures Commission held a virtual launch of its new essay collection, Education Data Futures. This open access collection offers critical, practical and creative reflections identifying exciting possibilities for the beneficial uses of children’s data as well as tackling the exploitative uses (or misuse) of such data.

Authors from a wide range of disciplines, from academia to regulators, industry to the third sector have contributed to the collection. Some of the topics covered include:

The financial power brokers behind EdTech

Exploring parental trust in relation to data about their family

How children’s data can be shared safely using existing data protection laws

What EdTech can learn from FinTech

Understanding how disabled children can benefit from education data

What data stewardship could offer education

Here are links for:

The full collection of essays

Author biographies

The recording of the launch event

The Digital Futures blog, with reflections upon the event.

The Digital Futures Commission is an exciting research collaboration of unique organisations that works with innovators, policy makers, regulators, academics and civil society to unlock digital innovation in the interests of children and young people.

We focus on three areas: play in a digital world, beneficial uses of education data, and guidance for innovators. Each work stream is informed by the voices of children and underpinned by a research programme and outputs geared toward real world change for children. 

Read more about the Digital Futures Commission’s work in our blog, and sign up to our mailing list to receive updates from us. You can find us on Twitter, or LinkedIn: look for our hashtag, #DigitalFutures. 

For further information, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



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