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“Changing Communication of Higher Education Institutions” (Thematic section in SComS)

19.01.2023 11:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Edited by: Silke Fürst, Daniel Vogler, Isabel Sörensen and Mike S. Schäfer

Studies in Communication Sciences (SComS) is a peer-reviewed journal of communication and media research with platinum open access: The journal is edited by Jolanta Drzewiecka, Silke Fürst, Katharina Lobinger, and Thilo von Pape. It is the first time SComS publishes three issues in one year.

Issue 22(3) has just been published and can be accessed for free It includes a Thematic Section on “Changing Communication of Higher Education Institutions” as well as a General Section comprising studies on the value of face-to-face communication in a world where digital communication technologies are omnipresent as well as on the framing of an Imam. The issue contains a dissertation summary, a discussion on working conditions of early career scientists and is complemented by one book review.



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