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17.02.2023 08:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Università della Svizzera italiana

The Institute of Media and Journalism at the Università della Svizzera italiana invites applications for a fixed-term 3 years full-time research and teaching Postdoc position in the field of digital journalism. 

The PostDoc candidate will work under the scientific supervision of Prof. Colin Porlezza (, primarily in relation to the research project DIACOMET, funded through a Horizon Europe grant. The project looks into issues of disinformation by analyzing current frameworks for ethical and accountable public communication, particularly in relation to the role of AI in journalism and digital platform governance. DIACOMET aims to generate a concept of dialogic communication ethics, which provides a framework for an inclusive model of accountability mechanisms by combining media accountability with civic accountability. The successful candidate will be offered the possibility to work in an international and multidisciplinary team of journalism and communication scholars and be responsible for the accountability work package that engages in a comparative study of (self)regulatory frameworks for public communication. 

Besides DIACOMET, the successful candidate will also have responsibilities in the design and implementation of research projects in the field of digital journalism, with a particular interest on the use of AI and data-driven methods in journalism. Potential areas of research include, but are not limited to: automated/computational journalism, data journalism, algorithmic accountability, AI governance, journalism ethics, media accountability and transparency. Excellent knowledge of one or more of these fields is desirable. In addition, exceptional knowledge of qualitative and/or quantitative methods is required. The successful candidate is expected to present papers at scientific conferences and produce publications in high-impact journals. 

The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to teach in courses at the Master level, and is expected to supervise students’ dissertations. Specifically, the candidate will contribute to the teaching in an MA-level course of 3 ECTS called Journalism, Innovation and Datafication (in English). Depending on the language skills, the candidate may also contribute to a BA-level course of 6 ECTS called Journalism that is taught in Italian. 

Ideal candidates should satisfy the following requirements: 

  • The candidate must hold a PhD in journalism, media or communication studies, or an adjacent field.
  • Excellent skills in qualitative and/or quantitative methods in the collection and analysis of digital data.
  • Expertise in the field of digital journalism, with a focus on the intersection of AI and media.
  • High personal interest in collaborative work both in teaching and research.
  • Good command of English is necessary, and experience in publishing in English is an asset.
  • Good command of Italian or German is considered an asset.
  • Ability to work independently and in a structured manner, as well as have the ability to cooperate with others.
  • Experience in presenting at high-quality conferences is considered an asset.

The workplace is the Università della Svizzera italiana, located in Lugano, Switzerland. Availability to travel to other parts of Switzerland and abroad (for purposes of research) is required. The salary is competitive, and we can offer a stimulating and friendly work environment. 

The starting date for this position is 1 June, 2023. 

Applications must include: (1) a cover letter in which the applicants describe their research interests and the motivation to apply, (2) a CV, (3) documentation of education (diplomas, certificates, transcripts), (4) a complete list of publications, (5) two reference letters, (6) a maximum of 3 publications to be included in the assessment, (7) a research statement of maximum 500 words where you envision your research trajectory in the next few years, (8) if relevant, documentation for any other additional research and/or teaching qualification. 

Please send your application as one pdf-document to Ms Laura Pranteddu ( 

Detailed information about the position can be obtained by contacting Prof. Colin Porlezza (

The complete call can be found here: 

Applications received before 13 March, 2023, will be given priority. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. 



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