European Communication Research
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23.02.2023 21:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

KOME, an international Open Access journal of media and communication studies and related fields is currently accepting submissions for its 2023 and 2024 issues. We would love to hear from our colleagues across Europe and overseas, and read about their current research! This is an open call and submissions are considered on any topcis related to communication, media and journalism. 

Key topics for the journal: 

-online/digital media and communications 

-health communication 

-organizational and business communication 

-political communication 

-persuasion and influence 

Key article types for the journal: 

-narrative and systematic review articles where the literature is 

surveyed and analyzed qualitatively or quantitatively 

-original research articles using advanced qualitative or quantitative methods to answer relevant research questions based on hypothesis drawn from literature review 

If interested, please visit our website at 

Manuscripts can be submitted directly to 

We are free to all authors and readers, and indexed in SCOPUS (Q2) and  Web of Science (ESCI). All submission undergo double blind peer review.  Average turnaround time is ~12 weeks. No APC's, page charges, submission charges; we do not charge authors for publishing their work and do not solicit or accept payment for contributions. 



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