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AH-DT 2023 – Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition

23.02.2023 22:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

July 6-7, 2023

ICNOVA, Portugal

Deadline: March 6, 2023

Submission of papers to the Conference Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition is open until March 6th.  

ICNOVA - NOVA Institute of Communication

NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH), Lisbon - PORTUGAL

Keynote speakers

  • Yuk Hui (City University of Hong Kong)
  • Claire Bishop (City University of New York)

This call for papers aims to foster reflection on the cognitive and creative ecology of the humanities and the arts in the context of the digital transition. The program welcomes proposals on epistemology, cognition and creativity in the age of AI and automation, literacies and cultural techniques, cognitive and creative industries, digital humanities, post-humanities and the post-digital, among other topics on culture, technology and the arts, namely explorations of the work of Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020) whose intellectual legacy this conference also wishes to celebrate.

Transformations stemming from digital technologies are growing with every passing decade, even if the newness of new media is gradually fading. The idea of digital transition evokes a feeling of disruption but also of inevitability and becoming, mixing the voluntarism and design of the artificial with new evolutionary narratives. Between a lingering post-historical atmosphere and the spectre of an era of extinctions, the certainty of the digital transformation stands out as the only truly foreseeable future - a future where not only capitalism but the co-evolution of nature, culture and technology seem to take the place of history itself. The question concerning the digital, which has only begun, is crucial for understanding the anthropological, ecological and cosmological crisis (Latour, 2021) of the present and resisting a one-way universalisation of technology. This crisis makes it urgent that we image alternative futures but also that we concern ourselves with the digital(Stiegler 2010, 2019) and explore this transient temporality, the transformative and transgressive possibilities opened up by this very being in transit.




We look forward to seeing you at AH-DT 2023!



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