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Balkans & Baltics: Media Peripheries, Media Centers?: 11th Graduate Spring School & Research conference on Comparative Media Systems

02.03.2023 21:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

April 17-21 April, 2023

IUC, Dubrovnik

Call for participation in the post-graduate course and research conference co-organized with the ECREA CEE Network

Two European regions with distinct positive and negative halo effects. Balkans with the pejorative “balkanization” attribute for disintegrating and non-cooperation, Baltics as the positive role model for successful regional cooperation and post-socialist transition. What can we learn from this opposition in terms of policies and practices in media and communication production and use?

With a long term lens of social and media development, both of these regions were at the periphery of Europe. While the western parts of the Baltic region today exhibit an unbroken growth and development, its eastern part had long periods of stulted development and decline under different Russian empires (including the Soviet Union). In the south, some parts of the broader Balkans regions historically were at or near the center of Europe – after Romans, in times of the Venetian rule, before becoming a semi-periphery under the Habsburgs or a far periphery under the Ottomans. These ancient times provide some early contextual similarities or differences. But what about the current times, 30 years after socialism collapsed in Europe? How can we evaluate media systems, organizations, and practices of producers and consumers in these two distinct regions? Are the regional labels useful, or do they conceal more that they explain? Is geography a useful determinant for a center/periphery status, or can the Nordic examples uncover some policy moves that contributed to the development of the contemporary media systems which exhibit many of the most useful characteristics for the informed and participating democratic publics.

We will explore ways to study change in media systems, focusing both on the temporal and spatial frames, and will examine transformations necessary in the political, economic and cultural fields. And we will examine which combination of historical conditions from the longue durée or more recently, are responsible for certain types of outcomes of media systems.

The course includes a one day hands-on methodological workshop on the design and implementation of fuzzy set QCA and the accompanying statistical analysis.

The course is organized by course directors from 7 European universities, who will also be among the lecturers:

  • Zrinjka Peruško, University of Zagreb, Croatia 
  • Goran Bolin, Södertörn University, Stockholm
  • Carmen Ciller, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Epp Lauk, University of Tartu
  • Paolo Mancini, Università di Perugia, Italy
  • Slavko Splichal, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Miklós Sükösd, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

This 11th "slow science" IUC-CMS is an interdisciplinary research conference & post-graduate course open to academics, doctoral and post-doctoral students in media, communication and related fields engaged with the issue of media and media systems, that wish to discuss their current work with established and emerging scholars and get relevant feedback. 

Invited research conference participants will deliver keynote lectures with ample discussion opportunities. In this unique academic format, student course attendees will have extended opportunity to present and discuss their current own work with the course directors and other lecturers and participants in seminar form (English language) and in further informal meetings around the beautiful old-town of Dubrovnik (UNESCO World Heritage) over 5 full working days (Monday to Saturday). 

The working language is English. 

Participation in the course for graduate (master and doctoral) students brings 3,5 ECTS credits, and for doctoral students who present their thesis research 6 ECTS. The course is accredited and the ECTS are awarded by the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb ( All participants will also receive a certificate of attendance from the IUC.


To apply, send a CV and a motivation letter to Students who wish to present their research should also send a 300 word abstract. The course can accept 20 students, and the applications are received on a rolling basis. After notification of acceptance you need to register also on this web page 

The IUC requires a small enrolment fee from student participants. Participants are responsible for organizing their own lodging and travel. Affordable housing is available for IUC participants. Stipends are available from IUC for eligible participants, further information at For information on these matters please contact the IUC secretariat at 

Venue Information

The Inter-University Centre was founded in Dubrovnik in 1972 as an independent, autonomous academic institution with the aim of promoting international co-operation between academic institutions throughout the world. Courses are held in all scientific disciplines around the year, with participation of member and affiliated universities.

Additional Information

For further information about academic matters please contact the organizing course director: professor Zrinjka Peruško, Centre for Media and Communication Research (, Department of Media and Communication, Faculty of Political Science (, University of Zagreb ( 



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