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Call for participants teaching media and communication in transnational higher education

02.03.2023 21:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Do you teach media and communication across borders? Are you part of a partnership programme between universities in different countries?

We want to hear from educators who teach as part of transnational higher education (TNHE) partnerships. For this research, TNHE includes any teaching that is part of a partnership programme between universities or higher education institutions in different countries. Though TNHE partnerships are on the rise, there is little research focused on the experiences of educators navigating these intercultural spaces, particularly in media and communication-related fields.

This call is open to any TNHE educators – full or part time, permanent or temporary, universities or polytechnics, in any country. We're looking for educators who: 1) are interested in sharing their experience with TNHE as part of a research project; or 2) are interested in connecting with others who teach media and communication as part of TNHE partnerships.

Please email Dr Valerie Cooper ( at Victoria University of Wellington for more information. Feel free to pass this on to others who may be interested.



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