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Prague Media Point 2023: Call for Abstracts and Session Proposals

15.03.2023 11:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

December 1, 2023 

Prague, Czech Republic 

Deadline: May 1, 2023 


What’s Working: Sustainable Media System for a Viable Democracy 

It is our pleasure to announce the return of the Prague Media Point Conference, which will take place on December 1, 2023, in Prague, Czech Republic!  

Our world is facing an unprecedentedly complex set of intertwined, mutually reinforcing challenges - a polycrisis, as some define it. Many find it hard to navigate such circumstances and lose faith in the public space they inhabit. The role of journalism thus becomes even more crucial for the maintenance and quality of the liberal democratic system. Today’s media need to regain readers’ trust and contribute to building an open-minded public sphere. This also requires them to cultivate a system where journalists can operate freely and safely, content can remain independent from outside influence and output can effectively reach the target audience. 

We encourage submissions of abstracts and session proposals that focus on examples in the media that appear to be working and generating impact in the following areas, though the list is not exhaustive:​

∙Boundaries of censorship, content moderation institutions/models 

∙Online and other harms, protection of journalists and their content 

∙Lessons of the Twitter affair 

∙Credibility and transparency of media resources and ownership 

∙Preserving independence from the subscribers 

∙Effective ways of fighting disinformation 

∙Innovative engaging with the audience 

∙Good practice of technological advances 

∙Media resources across generations 

∙Social media at the forefront of news delivery 

∙Media cooperation across borders  

∙Public service and social media co-existence 

∙Media platformization 

Please submit your 500-word abstracts or proposals and a short bio by May 1, 2023 to:  

Download our abstract or session template here:  

For more information on submission, deadlines, and fees go to 

To register for the conference, please go to:  

Contact: Marek Přeček, Project Coordinator,   



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