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Impacts of artificial intelligence on communication

04.04.2023 11:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline: April 30, 2023

The term ‘Artificial intelligence’ (AI) was coined by John McCarthy in the year 1956 at Dartmouth College at the first-ever AI conference. Later that year, JC Shaw, Herbert Simon, and Allen Newell created the first AI software program named ‘Logic Theorist.’ Since then, AI is changing the way we communicate in the media world as is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the intelligence of humans and other animals, it is the backbone of innovation in modern computing, unlocking value for individuals and businesses. Its applications include advanced web search engines, recommendation systems, understanding human speech with voice-enabled devices, such as Siri and Alexa, that have evolved the way people talk to their devices, self-driving cars, generative and creative tools, automated decision-making, and competing at the highest level in strategic game systems, from interacted TV to TV shows where the spectator can choose the next steps of the show,  Chatbots, omnichannel communications, and targeted marketing campaigns, conversational agents, optical character recognition (OCR), social robots, 3D printing, the fifth generation of mobile services (5G), and automated-writing software the artificial intelligence is having a big impact on communication.

The study of mechanical or "formal" reasoning began with philosophers and mathematicians in antiquity. The study of mathematical logic led directly to Alan Turing's theory of computation, which suggested that a machine, by shuffling symbols as simple as "0" and "1", could simulate any conceivable act of mathematical deduction. This insight that digital computers can simulate any process of formal reasoning is known as the Church–Turing thesis (Berlinski,2001).

The importance of the proposed research is to analyze how those “0” and “1” have affected and impacted communication, how AI will evolve and how this evolution will affect communication, what will be implications of the 4 main types of artificial intelligence affecting the perception and reception of the recipient, What is AI and why it matters, How AI is shaping the future of communication and media, What AI Means for the Freedom of speech, what it takes to make AI safe and effective, in the  Adaptive artificial intelligence, unlike traditional AI systems, can revise its own code to adjust for real-world changes that were not known or foreseen when the code was first written, is the AI controlling and determining the access to the mass media for the users, etc.…

This open call seeks submissions that contribute to our understanding of the application of AI in media production and consumption, considering the wide range of communication processes and theories from the perspective of communication studies. Multidisciplinary submissions are welcome. We encourage a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to this subject, particularly those relating to global and international contexts for the subject.

Send your 500 words abstracts with your chapter proposal and 5 key words by April 30, 2023, to


Berlinski, David, (2001) The advent of the algorithm: The 300-year journey from an idea to the computer. Harcourt Books. San Diego, USA



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