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3rd International Media and Society Symposium: Digital Culture

20.04.2023 08:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

May 24-26, 2023

Istinye University (Turkey)/online

Deadline: May 1, 2023

The second of the Media and Society Symposium, the first of which was organized by İstinye University in 2021 with the title of Media in the Pandemic Spiral, was held in 2022 with the title of Digitalization and Visual Studies with the organization of the Faculty of Communication. The 3rd International Media and Society Symposium continues in 2023 under the title of Digital Culture. Researchers who carry out applied and theoretical studies within the framework of this subject, practitioners who produce with digital technologies in all kinds of media are invited to the symposium to present their work. The symposium, which will take place for the third time this year, will be held on May24-25-26, 2023 as a hybrid and presentations can be made online or face to face. 

Revolutionary transformations in mass media, accelerated by pandemic conditions, increase the effects of metaverse, web 3.0, blockchain technology and similar phenomena that are included in our lives on our daily and digital lives, and change our lifestyles and habits. Technological developments and examples of digital applications, whose effects we see in social, cultural, economic and political dimensions, appear more frequently now, creating a new form of mass communication and digital culture. In this context, the 3rd International Symposium on Media and Society creates an international platform for the development of research in the field of digital media, promotes acceptance and understanding of the wide variety of methods, approaches and paradigms that make up digital-based research, explores research methodologies used in the digital field, researches digital fields and media research. To conduct research that can synthesize research methods and analytical approaches, to provide an academic environment for in-depth research of various approaches, methods, themes and digital phenomena, to make researches in social, economic and cultural fields visible in connection with digital media, to create visual literacy awareness in traditional and digital media. It is carried out under the title of Digital Culture in order to contribute to.

With the aim of creating an interdisciplinary discussion platform that deals with theory and practice together within the scope of media studies, the 3rd International Media and Society Symposium is open to applications from various fields within a wide scope, as well as invited participants who are experts in the field. The symposium titled Digital Culture covers research in the fields of art, design, aesthetics, sociology, philosophy, ethnography, anthropology, culture and media studies, documentary film, photography, information technology, education, communication studies, culture and other social sciences related to communication. It aims to include research on digital texts produced in such media. 

In addition to academic researchers, experts such as artists, architects, designers, digital game designers, cinema and media professionals who conduct research and study on the applications of digital technologies in creative processes are invited to share their current studies, production processes, case studies, research and experiences in the field. Apart from the academic presentation format, the symposium is open to other creative presentation formats that will enable the content to be shared in the most effective way. Abstracts sent to the call for participation will be accepted to the symposium as a result of blind (blind) refereeing evaluation. Within the scope of the symposium, studies and theoretical researches in the digital field can be discussed in relation to the following topics: 

• Digital Culture and Architecture

• Digital Culture and Space

• Digital Gaming Culture

• Cultural Heritage in the Digital World

• Digital Prison "Digital Panopticon"

• Digitization and Memory

• Digitization and Transformation of Space

• Digital Identity

• New Memory Spaces (New Memory Technologies)

• Media Archeology

• Digitalization and Virtual Communities (Communities)

• Digital Culture and Social Media

• Digital Experience

• Digital Culture and Society

• Digital Media Literacy

• Digital Nationalism

• Digital Transformation of Public Diplomacy

• Digital Culture and Women

• Digital Art(s)

• Digital Visual/Photo Algorithm

• Genealogies of the virtual

• Digital Communication Technologies and Hacktivism

• Information War

• Political Economy of Digital Cultural Production

• Intellectual Property Rights of Digital Production

• Solidification

• Digital Economy

• Digital Inclusion / Inclusion

• Digital Inequalities

Full Text Publication Opportunities:

• Full Text Proceedings E-Book Publication with ISBN.

• Editorial Thematic Book Section publication from Holistance Academy Publishing House. (International Publishing House)

• Full texts that have completed the referee and editor process can be published as articles in the following two journals. (Paying the journal publication fee)




Abstract Writing Rules:

• Abstracts should be in Turkish and English.

• All abstracts should not exceed 250 words, excluding the title and author's name-surname.

• Purpose, method, findings, discussion and at least 5 keywords should be included in the abstract. 

Important Dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May 2023

Announcement of accepted abstracts: 5 May 2023

Deadline for registration: 10 May 2023

Announcement of the program: 15 May 2023

Symposium date: 24-25-26 May 2023

Publication of the abstract booklet on the website: 20 May 2023

Full text submission: August 22, 2023

Publication of electronic proceedings book: 10 October 2023

Registration Fees:

Registration Fee 30 Euros

Second Paper Registration Fee: 15 Euros

Registration Fee for Graduate Students: 0

Second Paper Registration Fee for Graduate Students: 15 Euros



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