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IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar

20.04.2023 08:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline: May 1, 2023

We have extended the deadline for the submission of applications to convene an IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar. Read this information carefully if you are an IAMCR member PhD student and would like to convene an IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar with a topic you propose.

The deadline to submit applications is 01 May 2023.

The IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinars provide a forum for critical dialogue for PhD researchers in the field of communication and media studies. The central goals of the webinars are to give visibility to doctoral research in the global field of communication and media studies and stimulate interaction and cooperation among PhD students.  

General Principles  

Webinar organisation procedure:

Each year, one webinar is organised outside the main conference period, ideally in the second half of the year.  

This open call invites IAMCR member PhD students to submit their applications to propose a topic and to convene an IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar on that topic.  

When the convenor(s) and their proposed topic are selected, the second open call for speakers and abstracts for presentations on that selected topic will be launched in collaboration with the selected convenor(s). 

The presenters from among the applications for the second call will be selected together with the convenor(s).

What IAMCR will provide  

As the organiser of the Presidential PhD Research Webinar series, IAMCR:

  • Promotes the webinar via its communication channels;
  • Provides the Zoom (or equivalent) meeting platform where the webinar will be held;
  • Provides a registration system and issues certificates for the convenor(s) and speakers after the webinar.

Responsibilities of webinar convenors  

The webinar convenor(s) are expected to:

  • Coordinate the organisation of the webinar;
  • Commit to comply with IAMCR's statement on a safe and supportive community ;  
  • Abide by the timeline and meet all deadlines to the best of their ability;
  • Ensure that all presenters obtain copyright clearance on any materials they present;
  • Write a short 'after the event' article (which will be made available to the IAMCR membership);
  • Propose replacements in case participants have to cancel in order to ensure that the minimum number of three participants is respected;
  • Make a presentation in the webinar.

More information

To have further information about the IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar, you can visit  or contact the coordinator of the IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar series, Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen at <>.



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