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Call for IAMCR Peace Fellowships

20.04.2023 08:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)  

International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) wants to support the creation of collaborative contact zones, with modest means at its disposal, by establishing IAMCR Peace Fellowships. IAMCR will facilitate the collaboration of pairs of individual scholars, who are based in, or strongly connected to, two regions or communities that are currently engaged, or recently have been engaged, in an antagonistic conflict. An IAMCR peace followship will last 2 years, in order to provide sufficient time for collaboration, and IAMCR will select up to two pairs of peace fellows per year. After four years, IAMCR’s Executive Board will evaluate the project and decide on its continuation.

IAMCR will provide support to IAMCR peace fellows in the following ways:

A travel grant of 1500 USD, for both scholars, to attend one (1) main IAMCR conference, in order to present their collaborative work. When peace fellows are demonstrably in the impossibility to travel to IAMCR conferences, the funds can be used, pending IAMCR approval, for a different channel of communication to the IAMCR community.

An individual membership for both scholars, for two years. 

Opportunities to present their work at online or face-to-face IAMCR fora, to be decided in consultation with both scholars.

The call for applications is open until 01 September 2023. 

You may find more information about IAMCR Peace Fellowships in the link below.

Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen at

Also, we would be grateful if you could share this call with those you think might be interested.



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