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The Scopus indexed Media & Jornalismo receives articles in continuous flow and accepts proposals for the organization of special issues

17.05.2023 12:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Media & Jornalismo

Media & Jornalismo, an internationally recognized and Portuguese pioneer journal in the field of Media and Journalism Studies (indexed in Scopus and ERIH Plus), invites the international scientific community to submit articles that fall within the thematic scope of the journal and to submit proposals for the organization of special issues. 

This call for papers and proposals for thematic issues is related to the editorial changes that Media & Journalism is implementing and that will come into full force in 2024: 

1) From the second semester of 2023 onwards, the submission of articles will happen in continuous flow, all year round. This measure aims to privilege the heterogeneity of themes, responding to a need to cover the most salient academic and scientific issues at a given moment, in the disciplinary field of communication sciences. 

2) From 2024, the continuous flow modality is now accompanied by the online first publishing policy, thus reducing the waiting times for publication of the different articles that overcome the double-blind peer review and ensuring the timely dissemination of the critical findings generated that are so important for the systematic accumulation of knowledge in the discipline of communication sciences. Articles published in the online first publishing modality will continue to integrate the Scopus database (in which the journal is indexed) under the denomination "Article in Press".  All the articles published in this double format, continuous flow and online first publishing, will integrate, in due time, and in definitive publication, numbers of the journal, which will maintain its biannual periodicity. 

3) Also from 2024, all articles accepted for publication will be published in a bilingual version (Portuguese and English or Spanish and English), the English version being compulsory. The journal seeks, with this measure, to internationalize itself and to achieve a different dissemination. The costs resulting from the necessary translations (Portuguese into English; Spanish into English; English into Portuguese), will be borne by the authors of the articles, in a practice followed by other important national journals. 

4) The free-to-publish policy of submission and the policy of consultation at no cost for the reader (free-to-read) will be maintained. 

5) The continuous flow of submissions and the online first publishing policy do not preclude the organization and publication of special issues, whether a) they are proposed to the journal by guest editors with recognized research merit, b) they seek to cover a topic that is salient in the academic community at the time the proposal is made, and c) the proposal is in line with Media & Journalism's editorial strategy and main thematic lines. In the case of special issues, the articles included and organized by the guest editors are published together and immediately after the formatting of the various articles that integrate the different special issues.



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