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Call for Entries for the Database for Variables of Content Analysis (DOCA)

17.05.2023 13:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline: September 15, 2023


Database of Variables for Content Analysis (DOCA) invites submissions for variable entries.

The open access database compiles, systematizes, and evaluates relevant content-analytical variables of communication and political science research areas and topics.

DOCA simplifies access to common variables and their categories for content analysis research. It provides entries for single variables (e.g. actors, issues,...) and more complex theoretical constructs (often measured by more than one variable e.g., americanization).

The database serves as a foundation for answering questions about research designs and operationalizations resorting to content analysis and helps standardize and compare studies. It also promotes equal opportunity among researchers by providing free access to important resources.

Procedure regarding the call: 

  • Please send suggestions for variables to by 15.09.2023. The entries for variables or constructs that are already in the database can be found under the following link
  • You receive a response within two weeks regarding the inclusion of suggested constructs or variables, as well as instructions for preparing your entry.
  • Please submit your entry (approx. two pages in length) by December 01, 2023. Every entry will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers.
  • If accepted, we will take over the entry's typesetting, design, and publication. Each entry receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  • No fee is charged from the authors during the submission, evaluation and publication process.

We are very much looking forward to your submissions.

Franziska Oehmer-Pedrazzi (principal editor), University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons FHGR; Sabrina H. Kessler, University of Zurich; Edda Humprecht, Norwegian University of Science and Technology & University of Zurich; Katharina Sommer, ZHAW; Laia Castro Herrero, Universitat de Barcelona



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