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Bridging the Gap: The Impact of Academic Work on Journalistic Practice

24.08.2023 10:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism (Special Issue) 

Deadline for abstract submission: September 4, 2023 

Scholars have pointed out how critical findings regarding media practices are often dismissed and lead to minimal impact. Equally, media professionals criticize scholars for being extractive in their data collection practices rather than collaborative or disconnected from the practices on the floor. With an aim to address this gap, this special issue focuses on exploring the relationship between academia and journalism. Our goal is to showcase how academic research could impact and shape the professional field of journalism in a fruitful way and to highlight concrete methodologies for collaborations. We welcome submissions that cover different theoretical, methodological, and empirical topics and formats to provide a thorough understanding of this critical relationship. 

Full call here:



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