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The Rural Documentary in the European Context

14.09.2023 21:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Deadline: November 30, 2023

We are pleased to announce the call for papers of the next issue of L’Atalante, under the title of “The Rural Documentary in the European Context”, which is open to contributions. Executive Issue Editors: Pascale Thibaudeau, Fernando Luque Gutierrez, Leire Azkunaga García, Violeta Martín Núñez.

The deadline for article proposals for the “Notebook” section is November the 30th, 2023. The issue will be published in July 2024. Contributions in English and Spanish are welcome. You can find the detailed information here.

We sincerely hope that this information may be of your interest. Please feel free to share this call among your contacts. Thank you in advance.

L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos |  

Arts and Humanities Citation Index® and Current Arts and Humanities®, Clarivate Analytics / SCOPUS, Elsevier 


The Rural Documentary in the European Context

In an interview a few years ago with José Luís Guerin [included in J. Cerdán and M. Torreiro (eds.): Al otro lado de la ficción, Cátedra, 2007, p. 126], the renowned Spanish documentary filmmaker remarked:

"In the history of the documentary there is something very attractive about how it has drawn people in from very diverse disciplines, people from the fields of anthropology and journalism, travellers, scientists, etc.; but all of them, even when they began using filmmaking merely as an extension of their disciplines, ended up having a cinematic revelation and making beautiful films..."

Based on Guerin’s observation, this issue of L'Atalante is intended as a forum for the exploration of the different possibilities offered by the study of the European rural documentary. The objective is to take an interdisciplinary approach to the cinematic techniques used in documentaries, their aesthetic and pedagogical qualities, and the communicative purposes they achieve. Submissions could analyse either the content (specifically, the agricultural and forestry policies that Ministries of Agriculture and other public and private institutions in different countries presented in the documentaries they produced) and the forms used in these film productions, in order to reveal those aspects that explain why the cinematic heritage constituted by these films is worthy of a prominent place in film history.

To this end, we suggest the following lines of research as potential subjects of submissions to this issue:

  • Historical contexts of production and how they are reflected in the form and subject matter of the documentaries.
  • Genealogy of Spanish documentary production and its characteristic features in relation to other European productions made from the 1930s to the 1970s.
  • Ways of presenting women in Spanish and European rural documentaries made from the 1930s to the 1970s.
  • Visual construction of the landscape in the European rural documentary.
  • Processes of reception of European rural documentaries from different theoretical perspectives: pragmatics, aesthetics of reception, etc.
  • Local identities based on different vestiges of cultural heritage that appear in European agricultural documentaries.



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