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The pandemic of the Forgotten: strategies of endurance among deprived groups in Ibero-America during the COVID-19 emergency

05.10.2023 16:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Edited volume (full chapters), Helsinki University Press (HUP)

Deadline December 17, 2023 

David Ramírez Plascencia (University of Guadalajara) and David Dalton (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) invite full chapters for the edited collection “The pandemic of the Forgotten: strategies of endurance among deprived groups in Ibero-America during the COVID-19 emergency, which will be submitted to Helsinki University Press (HUP).” We are about to complete the volume, but we still need to cover some topics related with ethnic minorities, those marginalized due to their gender or sexuality, refugees, sex workers, disabled people, essential workers (drivers, farm workers), elderly citizens living in nursing homes, the mentally ill, homeless, etc. 

This edited book looks for contributions on relevant cases from Ibero-America (Latin America, Spain, and Portugal) that discuss the negative impact of the pandemic on forgotten members of society from marginalized groups. Possible topics include but are not limited to public repression, negligent attitudes, xenophobic attacks, negative media framing, human rights violations, labor exploitation, etc. Other topics include the strategies that marginalized individuals and communities employed to overcome the economic, social and health challenges of the pandemic. Comparative studies related to past pandemics and historical studies focused on marginalized groups under the context of a pandemic are very welcomed as well. 

We are particularly interested in those chapters that focus on describing the resilience mechanisms developed by these groups. These may include examples of street and digital mobilizations, the use of social media to create solidarity, local and international solidarity networks, the role of social organizations and community initiatives, etc. We are open to include works from multidisciplinary, comparative, and historical approaches. You are warmly invited to send your chapter along with a brief bio (no more than 250 words with titles, affiliations, and contacts) and a 300-word abstract. The chapter’s length is between 6000-7500 words (US English, Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition). Bear in mind that the acceptance of your proposal does not imply the final approval of your chapter. Please, if you have issues writing in English, we strongly recommend you contact a professional proofreader. Deadline: December 17, 2023. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

David Ramírez Plascencia (University of Guadalajara)

David Dalton (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)



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