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INTERMEDIAL CONNECTIONS : Impurity in the arts

21.12.2023 13:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

May 8-10, 2024

Lisbon Polytechnic Institute, Theatre and Film School, Portugal

 Deadline: February 5, 2024

Conference hosted by The Theatre and Film School of the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute in association with the academic franchise Narrative, Media and Cognition as an ode to medial and artistic impurity. We are particularly interested in case studies or theoretical rationale on art forms as media and their varied and profuse connections, beyond the dual relationships that set the minimum condition for intermediality (i.e., an interrelation between artforms). 

Conference languages: English and Portuguese

Suggested topics: (may include but are not limited to)

·       Conceptions of media, intermediality, cross-media.

·       Mediation, remediation, transmediation.

·       Hybridity, media borders, cross-pollination, media fusion.

·       Art forms as qualified media, mediums as conduits for art forms.

·       Early interart and intermediality.

·       Interartistic cases in / throughout history.

·       The medium-specificity debate within intermediality.

·       Fusional artistic case studies.

·       New artistic languages through combination of art forms.

·       Post-media and expanded artistic fields.

·       Narrative adaptation or expression among the arts.

·       Audiovisual or performative ekphrasis.

·       Sensoriality among art forms and art objects.

·       Space and time in the arts.

·       Rhythm and movement / stasis in the arts.

·       Visuality versus performativity.

·       Artistic properties.

·       Rhythm, stasis, dimensionality…

·       Immersive qualities and spectatorial adhesion.

Keynote Speakers: 

Ágnes Pethő – Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)

  • Author of Cinema and Intermediality. The Passion for the In-Between (2011).
  • Editor of Caught In-Between. Intermediality in Contemporary Eastern European and Russian Cinema (2020), The Cinema of Sensations (2015), Film in the Post-Media Age (2012), Words and Images on the Screen. Language, Literature, Moving Pictures (2008).

Chiel Kattenbelt – Utrecht University (The Netherlands)

  • Co-editor of Mapping Intermediality in Performance (2010), Intermediality in Theatre and Performance (2006).

[Speaker to be announced] 

We plan to publish a selection of papers based on the presentations in the form of a special issue of a journal and/or an edited volume submitted to an international publishing house. Both conference languages will be contemplated in these publishing prospects.


We invite you to submit a proposal for a 20-minute oral presentation.

You may submit individually or in a pre-established panel of three presenters. However, if during the conference a member of a panel is unavailable, we may have to reassign the other speakers to different panels or cancel the panel altogether.  

This is essentially an in-person conference, as we are committed to foster a (pro)fusion of intermedial dialogues among researchers. A small quota of online presentations (20% of the total presentations) is, however, available for researchers affiliated with academic institutions from outside Europe. No full online panels will be accepted.

The proposal must contain an abstract (500 words max.), 5 keywords, 3 bibliographical references and a short bio of the author (250 words max.). Send to Fátima Chinita (

Conference website:

Conference fees:

(The fee includes coffee breaks, snacks, conference dinner)

Researchers: 120 €

Students: 60 €  

Online presenters: 80 €

Deadline for submissions: 5 February 2024 (Monday)

Submission results: 12 February 2024 (Monday)

(Feel free to request an earlier reply if you submit earlier than the final deadline and need it in order to apply for funding at your university.) 

Deadline for registration: 15 March 2024 (Friday)



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