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PhD and PostDoc positions in the context of CRC Media of Cooperation

24.01.2024 21:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

University of Siegen 

The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center "Media of Cooperation" at the University of Siegen is currently looking to hire staff for a newly funded project phase.

A PhD research position in media studies (TVL 13, 65%, limited until 31 December 2027, application deadline 07.02.24) as part of our new sub-project “Bicycle Media:”, led by Julia Bee

A postdoc research position as a scientific coordinator (TVL 13, 100% limited until 31 December 2027, application deadline 14.02.24) for scientific support and coordination of the research center

The CRC is an interdisciplinary research network consisting of 15 projects and more than 60 researchers from media studies, science and technology studies, ethnology, sociology, linguistics and literature, computer science and law as well as history, education and engineering. It has been funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) since 2016. Research focuses on the study of digitally networked media and their practices.

For further job updates and more information on the research project, please visit



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