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Care-ful data studies: or, what do we see, when we look at datafied societies through the lens of care?

23.05.2024 13:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Edited by: Irina Zakharova (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) & Juliane Jarke (University of Graz, Austria)

A new Special Issue on “Care-ful Data Studies: or, what do we see, when we look at datafied societies through the lens of care?” edited by Irina Zakharova and Juliane Jarke has been published in Information, Communication & Society, Vol. 27(4):

The issue and its nine contributions apply feminist care ethics to the study of datafied societies. The contributions explore socio-digital care arrangements, practices of data work and care, situated modes of knowledge production, politics of vulnerability, and build communities of care in our datafied world.



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