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Media & Artificial Intelligence

05.06.2024 21:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Arab Media & Society

Deadline: July 1, 2024

The advent of artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era that promises significant changes in the field of communication and media. As nation-states and organizations invest substantial resources in advancing artificial intelligence, it becomes essential to explore the potential outcomes of this revolutionary digital mechanism. While artificial intelligence is often presented within a utopian framework, there are also cautious voices raising concerns. This call for papers aims to critically analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on media and communication, particularly in the Arab world and its diaspora.

Specifically, we seek to examine how artificial intelligence will contribute to and shape the production of media and communication. Additionally, we aim to investigate the downstream effects of artificial intelligence on media audiences and consumers, as well as the potential alterations in communication dynamics between individuals and entities. This call encourages deep reflection on the opportunities, risks, ethical and moral implications, potentialities, and transformations that may arise in the imminent age of artificial intelligence.

In light of the pressing need to address the complexities presented by artificial intelligence, Arab Media & Society dedicates its upcoming publication, issue 37, to this theme. We welcome diverse submissions on various subtopics related to media and artificial intelligence. Some suggested subtopics include, but are not limited to:

  • The role of artificial intelligence in media production and content creation
  • AI-driven algorithms and their impact on media consumption patterns
  • Ethical considerations and challenges in introducing artificial intelligence in media and communication
  • The future of media and its content: journalism, advertising, public relations, strategic communication, broadcast, etc., in an era of artificial intelligence
  • Journalism and Communication programs in Higher Education in the era of Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Divide / (In)equitable access to technologies
  • Social Media Algorithms and User Behavior
  • AI and Media Consumption Patterns
  • AI, Propaganda, and Information Warfare
  • AI in Entertainment and Creative Industries
  • Economic Impact of AI on Media Industries
  • Regulatory and Policy Perspectives on AI in Media

Authors interested in submitting their work for peer-review consideration should send their manuscripts by June 15, 2024. Other submissions, including book and conference reviews, shorter research papers, and columns, should be received by July 1, 2024.

All submissions must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style, and have a maximum length of 10,000 words (including footnotes and citations). Please include the author's name (as it will be published), affiliation, and a brief abstract of no more than 150 words.

Please direct your articles and ideas to

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