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Streaming Production Cultures

07.06.2024 08:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Television & New Media (special issue)

Deadline: June 28, 2024

Dear colleagues, 

We would like to draw your attention to a special issue of Television & New Media on streaming production cultures.

Over the past two decades, major tech companies like Netflix and Amazon have become central players in the screen industries. The special issue explores the practices and beliefs of above- and below-the-line workers who create audiovisual content for streamers and/or online platforms. 

Crucially, the special issue aims to broaden a conversation which has primarily been dominated by US-based services (Netflix in particular) and English-language markets. This special issue encourages proposals that also consider other major streaming services, online video platforms, and local/regional streamers. By focusing on a range of geographic contexts, this special issue aims to shed much needed light on the broad spectrum of production experiences in the online screen industries. 

We invite production studies that offer both empirical and methodological findings. Our goal is to provide a kaleidoscope of research on different production cultures in order to significantly advance this critical field of research. No payment from the authors will be required.

Deadline for abstracts: 28 June 2024

Deadline for full papers: 9 December 2024

Expected date of publication: December 2025

Link to submission form and additional details here: 

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with the guest editors of this special issue:

Daphne Rena Idiz, University of Amsterdam ( and Nina Vindum Rasmussen, London School of Economics and Political Science (



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