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Bourdieusian Media Studies

18.07.2024 14:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Johan Lindell

Bourdieusian Media Studies illustrates the merits of Pierre Bourdieu’s cultural sociological approach in the field of media studies, explicating exactly what a “Bourdieusian” analysis of media would entail, and what new understandings of the digital media landscape would emerge from such an analysis.

The author applies the Bourdieusian concepts of social field, capital, and habitus to understand the social conditions of media and cultural production, media users’ practices and preferences, and the power dynamics entailed in social media networks. Based on a careful illumination of Bourdieu’s concepts, epistemological assumptions, and methodological approach, the book presents a range of case studies covering television production, the field of media studies itself, media use, and social media networks.

Illustrating the craft of Bourdieusian media studies and shedding new light on key dynamics of digital media culture, this book will appeal to scholars and students working in media studies, media theory, sociology of media, digital media, and cultural production.



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